Hope – A Random Scholarship Contest Essay Turned Poetic

Check out my son Brandon’s latest poetic offering. How did I possibly have a part in shaping so fine a man? Be Blessed–I know I am!!!

The Not-So-Subtle Poet

This post contains my latest poem, after a long dry spell! It feels good to write again. Actually, I have written a couple poems for my girlfriend admittedly, however all other topics have been left untouched for months and months, and they were starting to boil over. Crazy how being stuck in school can make you want to write… You know it’s been too long since your last poem when you write a solid poem for a $500 scholarship essay contest lol. Honestly, I’m more proud of the piece than I am of applying, but who knows, maybe God will bless me as a winner or finalist. I didn’t realize it, but it was so important that I write this during this time we live in. So much hurt, angst, and even death and tyranny surround us. The media is constantly focusing on the negative aspects of life. I didn’t…

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