
A Psalm of Josiah

Here is a Psalm written by my special needs son Josiah, who interfaces with the Lord with an unveiled face. I am so blessed to see how he is truly bringing forth “fruit that will remain” for the Kingdom of God. Praise the Lord that He is working so vitally in & through this precious, unique, & complex soul. ❤

Autism Connections

Well it’s been a while since I’ve done a post here on my main blog so let’s just dive in. I met another mother of an autistic adult child the other day & offered to share a link to one of my blog posts that still gets attention all these years later:

A relatively popular blog post that people still find via search engines.

Well in the course of emailing her that link I decided to see if I could find the original source blog & perhaps some other potentially interesting material either she or her daughter might enjoy. Here’s an excerpt from that email with some of those links:

Here is the original post that my above writing was in reference to, in the archive:

& here is an archive of her main blog:

I’ll do a quick WordPress search to see if there are other young ladies on the autism spectrum who have sites that Might be of interest to you &/or your daughter.  By the way, Word Press offers free blogging & website services, as well as paid levels with greater functionality, so it could offer a “community” where you &/or your daughter may find like minded people with shared interests…

Ok searching just within WP there is Way Too Much to share in a casual email.  Here is a link that has multiple blogs authored by the actually autistic:

Well I was searching within Word Press & found a huge amount of material that I hope to dive into, but in case I don’t, here, at least in an accessible manner, is what looked interesting to me, without digging in to any of these posts or sites & evaluating them. I’m sharing them here Purely FYI…

These are going to be in no particular order, as I’m frantically writing this post at the library & have just over an hour before I get kicked off their system. There are posts &/or sites that are About autism, that are Written By the autistic spectrum individual, or are written by a family member, some informational or research focused, & also some creative &/or artistic material that touches on autism.

Hopefully we might find something of meaning to support our individual journeys of life!

Looks like I should check this next one out & possibly share a link to my original post in comments there:

The intimate link between ADHD and autism



My Autistic Journal

Here’s one of the recent posts from the above blog, which will hopefully show:

I’m Invited to the Table of the Lord: The Lord’s Table & Hospitality

Whoa, when I saw this next one my heart skipped a beat for I have the same theme for my archived site of a medically themed blog regarding my autistic son’s liver transplant journey, from my perspective:

Adult Autism Awareness

Autism: The Real Truth

I’m going to go out on a limb & say, without reading the above (yet) that autism is most likely rare among the Amish because they do not vaccinate their children. Vaccines are apparently a Major Cause/Factor in developing autism. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, has been doing significant work in exposing these dangers with an (his?) organization called Children’s Health Defense, I believe.

Here’s another one where I might need to drop a link to my Autism, ADHD, & girls post:

The doctor’s question about my son’s autism that changed everything


Well that’s the end of my super eclectic collection of autism posts &/or sites of interest to me found today within Word Press. Frankly I wish that I had time to read & process ALL of them but we’ll see. If it turns out that I really end up digging in enough to comment elsewhere I’ll probably copy such writings back into my blog, possibly in comments to this post, in a new post, or even interspersed above within this post.

Blessings & Best Regards to all who stop by who are, who might be, who love, who ponder, who pray, who research, who play, who wrestle, who rest, who reflect, who create, who inspire, who thrive, who trailblaze, who amaze, who gaze, from within, without, beside, behind, beyond, above, & below Autism & The Spectrum. May God guide, heal, direct, instruct, indwell, protect, shelter, sustain, & love us all!

In Jesus’ Love

The plight of whites in racist South Africa

Race-based assaults equal racism. Punishing people for the (alleged) sins of their fathers doesn’t “undo” injustices of the past. Perpetuating “injustice” in the present will just breed more injustice.

Based on evidence from Zimbabwe it is likely that these activities will lead to food shortages & other issues for the people that remain in South Africa.

It is unlikely that sinful man is capable of devising a process of “righting the wrongs of the past” in a way that doesn’t perpetuate evil against others. There is a need for reconciliation, forgiveness, healing, & perhaps restoration but genocide will produce none of that…

At Stella’s Place I also left these comments at the end of her article.  They include some of my reflections on my personal experiences in Africa some years back so I decided to copy them here in case they might be of interest to others too…

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Stella.

    I was in West Africa in the late ’80s & in that country, Liberia, it was “illegal” for whites to own property (so we were told). I assumed this was some type of “compensation” to the freed American slaves to protect them. However, in our black market dealings with currency exchange (official exchange rate was 1:1 Liberian$:US$ but was 2:1 L$:US$ on the black market) we were taken by the black African pastors we worked with to white “owners” (in all but name) of local businesses to exchange our money. Interestingly my traveler’s checques were exchanged at the full 2:1 rate while my colleagues cash was changed at 1.9:1…hmm…

    One pastor’s house we had a meal in was well staffed by servants. Everyone was black. My classmates & I were amazed how the pastor & his wife seemed to treat their servants as if they weren’t even there (my colleagues & I made a point of thanking them & looking in their faces as they cared for everyone’s needs during the meal–they seemed shocked that we would acknowledge them & treat them as equals). My good friend, who was black, (I was the only white person in our group during that part of the trip) & I discussed the servant situation & were both surprised that the servants were the same race as the pastor. We’d both thought that they would be having servants of another race & that would have partially explained their seeming indifference & seeming aura of superiority toward them.

    Ironically, this was in the era of Jesse Jackson running for U. S. President, there was a lively discussion of the hopes around the table that Jackson might win. I refrained from speaking my mind on that topic for I thought Jackson a buffoon & joke (irrespective of skin color) but didn’t want to get into what would likely become a fairly heated discussion. Given all the skin color passes given to Obama during his “presidential” aspirations/usurpation all those years later that dinner time conversation among blacks half-way around the world was something to reflect upon. I didn’t then, nor do I now, really understand how people gave someone on the national stage such a pass purely because they bore the color/ethnicity (allegedly) that certain people desired to see in power…

    There was also some sort of weird racism on the streets of Monrovia in general where I (being white) was attempted to be treated better than my black colleagues. They tried to take color photos of me & b&w only of my colleagues, etc. They also called me “missy” & my colleagues “sistah”…etc. There were physically deformed beggars everywhere you went & if you ever pulled out a coin you would get mobbed. The pastor said some parents would cause their child to get a physical deformity (injure them in childhood, etc) so they could have a “career” as a professional beggar! It was all very strange & surreal to our American grad student group…

Stella's Place

You will probably have noticed that photos posted this week are of sights in South Africa. It is a beautiful country with seacoast, mountain, desert, plains, and sub-tropical regions, and many exotic – to our eyes – animals and plants.

The reality of politics in South Africa is not beautiful. It is ugly and racist. The population of South Africa is multi-ethnic, with whites and Asians in the minority. Wikipedia’s breakdown of the SA population of 55,000,000 is as follows:

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