Tag Archive | Sundance

Sundance Expounds on Trump’s Triumphs!

“..you can see the cumulative impact of President Trump’s geopolitical economic strategy toward China.”

via What a Difference Six Months Makes – International Media Discuss Kim Jong-Un Meeting With Xi Jinping…

Sundance Explains Economics Understandably!

This is Huge!  I have Zero background in economics but Sundance of the Conservative Treehouse has explained the exceedingly complex in a readily understandable manner.  The original article is a MUST READ!!!

“The entire landscape of modern geopolitics is an assembly of various nations specifically focused on their economic interests.  Fundamentally, the economics of a nation is the cornerstone for their ability to hold, advance, influence and present their ideology.

Without the underlying economic capability to provide sustainability and stability, the nation, any nation, cannot maintain itself regardless of the underlying political outlook.  In short, as the old verse presents: “money makes the world go ’round“.  Everything boiled down to it’s essential core – is about economics.

It doesn’t matter which continent you point to. If you pull back to the larger view and overlay the economic maneuvering you will find the reason behind the strategic relationship always revolves around economics.  War or peace, it’s all about the economics within the equation.

If you scale market economies on a linear continuum according to freedom (size of government in their economic market), and line up the individual nations as flags according to their political outlook on the same linear scale, you will quickly see how the groups cluster in both political ideology and similar economics. [Big government communist nations cluster together; big government socialist nations cluster together; and smaller government fair markets cluster together.] It has always been thus.

The scale of market freedom, in direct proportion to the wealth of the individual within each nation, is the one constant in an ever changing universe.

All of the currently visible political alliances, like those witnessed within the G20, are based on their positioning for these upcoming trade deals.  Every supportive or antagonistic expression by each of these nation states is directly tied to their positioning for trade leverage and negotiation with the U.S.

The MSM will sell visible and spoken differences of opinion, differences of political ideologies, and newly formed alliances around a narrative of nations being anti-Trump.  The media like to focus on the cult of personality to create their discussion segments; but that’s nowhere near the full measure of what’s behind international alliances. The actual motives are the underlying economic determinations within each nation.

It has been so long since U.S. economic power was used to the benefit of the U.S., there’s an entire generation that has no concept of this underlying reasoning for national friendliness, or lack thereof, toward each other.  We have given away so much national economic wealth many people have forgotten how to accumulate or compete for it.

Economic competition, territorial economics, is what drives each nation to excel and innovate.  The unexpected aspect, buried by almost all media, is how President Trump is empowering all nations to reevaluate their trade status by confronting a global trade system that was diminishing sovereignty.

And the WINNING is the best part of M.A.G.A !”

Sundance has actually outdone himself here, which an incredibly high hurdle to leap!  He is an incredibly gifted patriot whose extensive writings & analyses are worth much more than a cursory viewing!

via India Invests $500 Million In Two U.S. Steel Operations…

Winning Positioning!

Sundance of the Conservative Treehouse expounds on President Trump’s strategy in Korea & beyond.  For this child of the Motor City this is great news!

via KORUS Trade Deal – No Steel Tariffs For South Korea In Exchange for 50,000 Exports per U.S. Automaker…